Wednesday, 8 April 2009

A little issue

I was a little irked yesterday and today about what happened. You may recall a few posts ago when I asked about sending DVD volumes in order. They essentially said:

"yes, the system is set up to send volumes in order".


Yesterday, I added two titles to my list:

Cardcaptors, Vols. 1 and 2

Cardcaptors, Vols. 3 and 4

(they were two volumes per disc)

As you know, I'm following Eureka Seven very closely. The most recent one I've watched is volume 4, and I expected them to send out volume 5. Instead they send out........

....wait for it.....

Cardcaptors, Vols. 3 and 4

Not only is that not the Eureka Seven volume I expected, but it's not the first volume in the series I added (thus, completely contradicting their previous e-mail). In response, I e-mailed them the following:

In one of my previous correspondences with yourselves I was told that, when multiple volumes of a series are in my rental list, they will be sent in order. This has worked fine so far with my rentals of the "Eureka Seven" series.
However, after checking my next dispatch a few minutes ago, I see "Cardcaptors - Vols. 3 and 4" preparing for dispatch. I have the volume 1 and 2 set on my list as well as I wanted to watch this series in order).

I understand that there is a short wait on the volume 1 and 2 set, but it's undesirable watching a series out of order.

I hope it's not too late to fix this before the rental is dispatched.

They sent me a reply fairly sharpish saying the following:

Dear Peter,

Thank you for your recent query about the dispatch of a feature film series. I will be happy to help explain what has happened in this instance.

When you add a TV series, for example, to your selection list you will be given the chance to add the discs in episode order. Unfortunately this system does not yet apply to many feature film series, trilogies, sequels, etc (unless they are shown as a box set, grouped together on one single film detail page), though we do plan to make this available in future. This is because regrettably unless the titles are listed together on the same details page with a 'rent all' button, our system may not necessarily know which is the correct order.

I am very sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

As such, if you want to watch a number of films in a certain order, we do recommend that you only add one title to your selection at a time.

You can of course use the priority settings to place films in order, but sadly this does not always guarantee that it will be possible to reliably stick to that order, particularly if the initial title is not in stock.

We have added 1 extra dispatch on your account to compensate with the issue and it will be dispatched to you as soon as possible over and above your normal allowance.

If you have any other questions then do let us know.

So this is COMPLETELY THE OPPOSITE of what they said in the previous e-mail. I'm getting confused now.

I received the title today in fact. Incidentally, my interest in the title disappeared, so I returned it the same day. As a temporary measure, I've used their "lists" feature to add a list JUST for the next volume of Eureka Seven I want and I assigned one of my discs to it. This should mean that I'll get the discs in the right order.

In the meantime, I e-mailed back with the following:

I've just reviewed the past few e-mails I've had with you, and something doesn't add up.

In an e-mail conversation I had with a support member named Peter, he said that the system is set up so that separate volumes are sent in order, even if they're not in the same detail page.

However, my conversation with Vandana implied that this was not the case and that only titles that are in a group with a "rent all" button will they be sent out in order.

Could you please clear this up for me.

Thank you in advance.

I'll let you know how this goes along.

In other news, I've started reviewing some plus' and minus' for Lovefilm over rental shops (like Blockbuster), and I've worked out the following:

Plus' for Lovefilm:
1) Dirt cheap. You've got to admit that Lovefilm is insanely cheaper than Blockbuster.
2) Find what you want quickly and easily and without getting that pain in your neck from tilting to read the titles on DVD boxes

Minus' for Lovefilm:
1) You don't have much control over which title comes next
2) Picking a rental or two as a family can be fun
3) You have to wait for it to be delivered
4) More chance something can go wrong

Hmmm... starting to look like Blockbuster's winning, but the cost is the big thing (even more important than the neck pain!).

I'll keep you posted on everything else.

1 comment:

  1. well most of the minuses can be simply overturned because
    1) blockbuster is going into administration
    2) it works out a lot cheaper ive been with blockbuster for a while and a new game is around £6 a normal rental is around £4 pre movie for 2 nights judging from the rentals Ive had (with the blu rays being £5 i think)i would have spent around £46 dureing my free period that will cost 14.63 when i start paying
    3) a mutch wider selection: ive had a mutch larger choice of dvds that ive actualy reseved that i wouldent dream of getting from blockbuster
    4) you are MUCH more likely to get a broken disk with blockbuster every other rental i got from my local blockbuster ether was broken/scratched to high heaven/ needed half a hour of cleaning and compared to the 1 ive had that they solved in a prompt manner and in a better way to them last one i had i really wanted to watch it so i took it to blockbuster and asked could i get this back after being fixed to wich he replyed with "it could take 3 mounths and we cant reserve it for you" where love film went "right ok sorry about that heres a extra rental and we will send another copy right away" which i got the next day
    5) you don't have to deal with crap unhelpful staff this doesn't come under this banner theirs one girl at my local blockbuster that is greate always a big help but theres other people who don't know dvd from there back exit lol
