Sunday, 28 June 2009

And now for something completely different

I forgot to post this earlier, so I'm posting it now:

LoveFilm have introduced "Watch Online (BETA)". This allows you to watch certain films or TV shows online. Some of you may be thinking "awesome". Well think again.

For starters, there are 2 levels of pricing: "As part of your subscription" and "pay per view". These two are exactly what they say on the tin. The included ones are purely free for subscribers. The majority of the titles in this bracket I've never heard or did terribly in the box office (the film "Help I'm a Fish" may be an exception as I enjoyed that, though I don't know how well it did in the box office).
The pay per view collection is a bit more premium than the films in the former section. Though the prices vary from 99p (TV episodes) to about £5 (for a movie if I recall correctly).

This is where, unfortunately, I can't go into detail much. Instead, I shall rant.

The service STREAMS the episode/movie from their server (it may load temporarily like a YouTube video, I don't know I haven't tried it yet). But the issue with both of these is that those with slow internet connections (like myself) are left in the dust. My internet connection is supposedly around 512kbps (that's HALF a meg broadband). It's not fast enough to watch standard quality Youtube videos as they play, and it's definately not fast enough to watch streaming videos on BBC iPlayer, 4oD and LoveFilm's watch online service. The former two are sensible enough to keep their streaming free. LoveFilm on the other hand, want to charge a LOT for the service which a lot of people can't use properly (I'm assuming it isn't just me with a slow internet connection).

It's also a bit hypocritical of LoveFilm to charge for this service as a company who's pride service is UNLIMITED rentals.

OK I'm done.

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